At ProVas, our full-service vein and vascular lab offers state-of-the-art ultrasound testing that is pain free, non-invasive, and allows our physicians to provide comprehensive diagnoses for individualized vein and vascular disease treatments for the legs, feet, and pelvis.

Arterial and Venous Ultrasounds
Ultrasound is used to determine whether a specific artery or vein blocked. This painless and noninvasive testing visualizes the artery with sound waves to measure blood flow through the arteries and veins, allowing the physician to target the problem area and determine the most effective treatment. Each patient receives a thorough consultation with the physician following the ultrasound. The vascular specialist will explain the most effective treatment options available to increase blood flow to the legs and feet if treatment is required. This may decrease leg pain, reduce or eliminate ulcers and sores, increase mobility and even save the affected limb.

Angiography (Venography)
An angiogram is a minimally invasive imaging test used to visualize and diagnose blockages inside the arteries and veins. A thin tube is inserted that injects a special dye, allowing the blood vessels to appear on the X-ray taken immediately after. Fluoroscopy imaging captures detailed photographs of the arteries and veins as the dye is introduced into the vessels. If there is a blockage, the radiologist will recommend the most effective treatment options.

Ultrasound Diagnostic Testing
An arterial ultrasound uses sound waves to visualize the artery, measuring the direction and speed of blood cells as they flow through the arteries and veins. This noninvasive technique determines whether a specific artery is open or blocked and may identify the cause of pain, discomfort, sores, or color changes in the legs or feet. It may also help determine the level and degree of Peripheral Arterial Disease. A venous ultrasound utilizes the same noninvasive technique to search for blockages in the veins of the legs. These blockages are frequently caused by blood clots, which can become dangerous and life-threatening if they break loose and travel to the lungs. The ultrasound may also identify the cause of swelling, redness, pain, or cramping in the legs while walking or resting. Ultrasounds are generally an hour in length and do not require any preparation.

CO2 Angiography (Venography)
A CO2 angiogram has become a useful diagnostic tool, particularly for patients hypersensitive to iodinated contrast material or with poor kidney function. Carbon dioxide is injected into the blood vessel as an alternative to the iodinated material that is generally used. CO2 angiograms are used for imaging both arterial and venous circulations and also to assist in a variety of endovascular interventions, even in patients without contrast allergies or renal failure.